Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23

For those that don't know,
I wear glasses.
Not a huge fan of them. So I only wear them at night.
And by night, I mean 5 minutes before I go to bed.
This could be because my little recently BROKE my glasses.
One day I will get laser eye surgery.
One day.
Either that, or I will get glasses that I really like to wear! Because I LOVE the way glasses look on other people!
Either way. Here's today's picture.

Enjoy :-)


  1. This is a great shot :) Can I ask how many you had to take before you got your face centered in the one lens just right?

    I'm not a fan of glasses either.

  2. I actually only had 2 shots taken. One with the glasses horizontal and one with them vertical. This was my favorite. :-)
